Projects similar to Decentraland

Projects similar to Decentraland belong to the sphere blockchain games. The list is sorted in order of relevance. To find a suitable analogue, compare the projects, read the description and reviews.

A metaverse built on the Ethereum blockchain.

GameFi platform on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) blockchain.

NFT game with an opportunity to earn money by creating and selling cats.

A metaverse about space traveling, running on multiple blockchains.

A blockchain game based on the Binance Smart Chain platform.

A blockchain game with the ability to earn tokens and NFT.

One of the first farming games to use NFT technology.

A metaverse with the ability to earn money.

Play2Earn is a project on the Polygon blockchain.

Play-to-earn project on the WAX blockchain.

Game-Fi project with the ability to earn money.

A decentralized Play-to-Earn metaverse.

Decentralized farm game on blockchain Polygon.

Play-To-Earn project on the BSC blockchain.

A card collection game on the BSC blockchain.

A decentralized game based on NFT technology, where users need to breed fantastic creatures.

DeFi-RPG game that runs on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.