NFT game with an opportunity to earn money by creating and selling cats.
Similar to CryptoKitties
CryptoKitties description
CryptoKitties is a blockchain game where players have to breed kittens. The game runs on Ethereum blockchain. Information from project cryptodefix.com. CryptoKitties was launched in November 2017. Players in CryptoKitties can buy and sell kittens, cross some with each other or just collect them. The project is considered the very first representative of the blockchain game genre.
To play CryptoKitties users need to connect a web3-wallet and buy two cats on the marketplace. It is possible to play CryptoKitties in several ways: to collect cats, breed and select kittens, sell and buy, open unusual collections. You must have two cats of different genders to breed kittens. Each kitten has its own level of genome, which determines its value. The genes of the kittens affect what they will look like, what attributes they will possess. The resulting kittens after interbreeding will have a higher genome level than their parents.
Each kitten in CryptoKitties is unique and has one owner. It can be sold in the marketplace or negotiated with another user. Also kittens can be rented out. In addition to user cats, CryptoKitties has exclusive cats that the user can buy or get as a reward.
Specifics of CryptoKitties
- Breeding unique kittens
- Buy and sell kittens on the marketplace
- Exclusive collections
- Rent out kittens
CryptoKitties features
DeFi Projects
Blockchain games
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