Projects similar to Trader Joe

Projects similar to Trader Joe belong to the sphere decentralized exchanges (dex). The list is sorted in order of relevance. To find a suitable analogue, compare the projects, read the description and reviews.

Decentralized cryptocurrency exchange on Polygon blockchain.

A decentralized exchange on the Solana blockchain.

Decentralized exchange working with several blockchains.

A decentralized exchange on the Chronos blockchain.

Centralized cryptocurrency exchange with DeFi features.

A decentralized exchange on the Solana blockchain.

A platform with centralized and decentralized ways to trade and make money.

A decentralized exchange on the Terra blockchain.

A decentralized platform on the Ethereum blockchain and BSC.

A decentralized exchange on the Cosmos blockchain.

A decentralized exchange on the Tron blockchain.

An open source protocol and crypto exchange that allows you to securely exchange ETH and ERC-20 tokens.

Decentralized exchange with attractive referral programs and low fees.

Decentralized exchange with the ability to trade derivatives.

The world’s first Ethereum-based smart contract exchange that supports real-time trading

A decentralized non-custodial exchange with borrowing and lending capabilities.

Decentralized cryptocurrency exchange operating on the BSC blockchain.

A decentralized exchange using the Automatic Market Maker (AMM), based on the Ethereum blockchain.

A decentralized exchange based on Huobi and Ethereum blockchain.

A decentralized exchange working on the Binance Smart Chain network.

Decentralized exchanges with stablecoin trading based on Ethereum

Decentralized cryptocurrency exchange for Fantom Opera network.

A decentralized exchange on the Ethereum blockchain.

A decentralized cryptocurrency exchange on the xDai blockchain.