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Decentralized cryptocurrency exchange on Polygon blockchain.

QuickSwap description

QuickSwap is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange operating on the Polygon network. The exchange has a scalable Matic Network's Layer 2 infrastructure. This infrastructure allows fast transactions with ERC 20 tokens and low fees. The exchange began its existence in 2020.

To interact with the exchange, users need to connect a Web3 wallet that supports the Polygon network. The QuickSwap offers users to swap cryptocurrencies, trade with a limit order, participate and create liquidity pools and farming. A total of 117 coins and 614 pairs are available for swap and trade on the exchange. QuickSwap is a fork of the Uniswap platform and represents the same liquidity pooling model. Each user can create a liquidity pool, and they can receive transaction fees from other users.

The exchange has its own QUICK token, the token was released in February 2021. Token holders can vote on the future of the exchange and offer their ideas for development. The token is also used in staking. Information material from site crypto​defix. In addition to exchanges, liquidity pools and stacking, QuickSwap has farming, where the user can choose the pool they like for farming and take part in it.

QuickSwap specifics

  • Swap cryptocurrencies
  • Fast transactions and low fees
  • Participation and creation of liquidity pools
  • Staking
  • Farming Pools
  • No fees

QuickSwap features


Forms of trade: Spot trading 1
No Transaction protection Protection of transactions from scam and other types of incorrect actions 1
No Currency converter Currency converter integrated into the exchange 0
No Listing Ability to place your own cryptoservices on the exchange 0
Number of assets: 117 0
Cryptocurrency pairs: 614 0

Decentralized exchanges (DEX)

Check out SWAP 0
Check out Liquidity pools 0
Check out Liquidity farm 0
Minimum fees: 0 0
Check out Staking 0
No Borrowing 0
No Lending 0
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