
by Eidoo SAGL
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A wallet that supports many currencies and tokens Ethereum, ERC20, Bitcoin, ERC223.

Eidoo description

The platform supports the HD system, a token recognition function that identifies tokens. This allows users not to configure each of the wallets to run tokens. The wallet also makes the interaction of the ETH and BTC blockchain simple. Also, thanks to the Eidoo exchange, a user can easily change ERC223 token and ERC20 token.

Eidoo does not charge any fees for accessing the platform, but there is a transaction fee that needs to be paid. The user can use EDO tokens for this. The exchange makes it possible to trade tokens. Data from​ platform cryptodefix.com. This is done using smart contracts, so it is possible to quickly and reliably manage your orders. There is a trading commission in the amount of 0.1 to 0.15 percent.

The wallet is available for download for IOS and Android users absolutely free. The interface is quite easy to use for maximum user convenience. Registered users can send and receive payments. The wallet also supports the function of generating income from the distribution of coins directly.

Eidoo protects users’ data using encryption of private keys, network security verification, etc. Also, the platform has a private key stored only on the server, a backup configuration phase, a data recovery function that can restore wallets if the device is lost.

Advantages of Eidoo:

  • Versatility.
  • Support for many currencies and tokens.
  • Easy to use mobile app.
  • Reliable security system.

Eidoo features

Crypto wallets

Type: Mobile walletMobile applications for storing cryptocurrency. , Desktop walletCryptocurrencies are installable software packs that are available for most of the desktop operating systems 0
Check out Support for multiple cryptocurrencies Maintaining not only bitcoin, but also other cryptocurrencies 0
Check out Support for transactions between different cryptocurrencies Currency exchange 0
Check out Fee availability 0
No Wallet freeze Temporary blocking of the wallet by the user 0
No Extra protection 0
Check out Buying/selling cryptocurrency 0

Order service integration or customization Eidoo

Modern people use 5 crypto projects on average and benefit significantly if the projects are integrated with each other and each of them is modified for business tasks. Integration projects and deep refinement of crypto projects are carried out by cloud integrators.

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Rather Good


Eidoo wallet is a multi-cryptocurrency wallet that supports BTC, ETH, LTC and all ERC 20 tokens. This shows that the Eidoo wallet can be used on more than one or two devices as opposed to most wallets that are available on only two operating system (OS). The Eidoo wallet's interface is simple and very easy to navigate.

It is available in both mobile and desktop versions. And on multiple devices like Linux, Win, Macos, Android and iOS.

It supports over 1000 cryptocurrency tokens and also supports all ERC20 tokens

It has an in built mini Dex exchange that allows easy swapping of tokens.

The Eidoo wallet is not advisable for newbies and beginners just into cryptocurrency.