
by Exodus Movement, Inc.
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Wallet for storing Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, available as a browser version, mobile application, desktop client and as a device.

Exodus description

Exodus is a revolutionary app, as it allows the removal of intermediaries: banks, exchanges and brokers. It allows sending and receiving of each asset, displaying the full portfolio and contains a trading function and backup/restore parameters.

The Exodus wallet has a trading option. Shapeshift, an exchange platform provides this service. It facilitates quickly exchanging one money for another. It may not have the lowest pricing as exchanges like CoinBase and Bittrex, but it is ideal for non-professional traders looking to purchase various cryptos.


  • Tracking portfolio. People can stay up with the fast-moving market by tracking their cryptocurrency portfolio and its success over time with intuitive charts that update in real-time.
  • Securing wealth. Exodus encrypts private keys and transaction data on the device, ensuring that only one person has access to Bitcoin. There is the possibility to use Face or Touch ID to securely lock the wallet without having to put in a passcode.
  • Buying and selling cryptocurrency. Possibility of using the built-in exchange function to swiftly purchase and trade one cryptocurrency for another all without creating an account.
  • Send and receive digital currency. Text addresses or QR codes may be used to send and receive any of the many supported blockchain assets. All assets in one wallet. Ar​ticle from platform cryptodefix.com. People can store favorite assets, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and others, in a wallet that is constantly adding new assets to its users' favorites.
  • Supported cryptocurrencies. Possibility of buying, storing, exchanging, and spending cryptocurrencies.

Exodus features

Crypto wallets

Type: Web wallet Wallets that require a constant internet connection to connect. They can be accessed using a regular browser , Mobile walletMobile applications for storing cryptocurrency. , Desktop walletCryptocurrencies are installable software packs that are available for most of the desktop operating systems , Hardware wallet Specially made devices for storing currency and keys. They are considered the safest means of storing cryptocurrency 0
Check out Support for multiple cryptocurrencies Maintaining not only bitcoin, but also other cryptocurrencies 0
Check out Support for transactions between different cryptocurrencies Currency exchange 0
Check out Fee availability 0
Check out Wallet freeze Temporary blocking of the wallet by the user 0
Check out Extra protection 0
Check out Buying/selling cryptocurrency 0

IT IS good!



• Very simple to use for even a beginners

• Super security factor

• 2FA authentication

• It is accessible to be used both on desktop & mobile App Android, iOS.


Limited Currency mobile support

Exodus Wallet is a virtual cryptocurrency pocket in particular on line and primarily based totally on 2015.The Exodus wallet is a great place to store any cryptocurrency you have earned or purchased. This wallet is great and allows you to reward your abundance and Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and others. It is a cryptocurrency wallet that allows you to store, receive and send cryptocurrency. The wallet has more than 100 cryptocurrencies and is convenient for customers to keep their money in the form of advanced monetary standards.