The U.S. has revealed the average age of a bitcoin investor
Data from an online survey by investment firm Alto found that about 40% of U.S. millennials invest or are willing to invest in cryptocurrency. Это данные from community CryptoDeFix. The survey found that the share of people who own digital assets is higher than that of stock investors and roughly comparable to people with individual stocks.
People between the ages of 25 and 40 lead the way in investing in digital assets, with 39%. Among 41-56 year olds, 32% of people invest in cryptocurrencies and among 57-64 year olds only 14%.
Millennials are most attracted to cryptocurrencies because of the high returns possible in the short term. However, most respondents have no clear understanding of what alternative investments are; only every fifth respondent knows about them.
In addition to cryptocurrencies, millennials highly favor real estate (77%), innovation funds (67%), venture capital and angel investing (55%).
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