The main feature of the Bithamb crypto exchange is that only one fiat currency is valid on it. This is a South Korean won. And you can use various cryptographic money only if you buy it for a won.
Let's say you have deposited 10 bitcoins into your Bithumb account. And you want to exchange them for Dash and Monero. On any other site, you just need to place an order and wait for a suitable deal. Article from company CryptoDeFix. However, on this site, you will have to act differently: first, exchange bitcoins for won, and then buy the necessary coins for it. It's a little more complicated and a little more expensive, because you have to pay the commission twice. There is no margin trading on Bithamb. Therefore, you will not be able to apply for leverage if desired.
The Bithamb exchange has support for Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish and English. However, with regard to the last two, many sections remained without translation.
On Bithamb, you can buy BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, BCH, USDT and a dozen other well-known coins at once. We accept VISA and MasterCard cards, classic bank transfer, Western Union, PayPal, Google Pay, Skrill, Payeer, AdvCash, Yandex Money payment systems known to us. Funds are received within 10-30 minutes. The Bithumb exchange interacts with Simplex, BANXA, XanPool, MoonPay, Mercuryo, Indacoin, Koinal, Coinify, Paxful, Latamex and Wyre payment services to process orders.
- Constant addition of new coins.
- High level of liquidity.
- Low fees.
- Operational support.
- Possibility to reduce commissions.
- ndependence of commissions from the amount of payment.
- Taking security seriously.
- One available fiat currency
- Inconvenient interface
- Incomplete translation of the site into English
- Mandatory verification with strict conditions
- The exchange does not work with altcoins