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by Bitget Limited
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Centralized exchange with the possibility of copy trading.

Bitget description

Bitget is a cryptocurrency exchange with futures, spot trading. It also provides users with the function of copy trading. The exchange has been in existence since 2018. Its headquarters are based in Singapore. The main users of the exchange are citizens of China and South Korea. Bitget uses more than 1.6 million users.

When signing up for the exchange, the user must use a phone number or email. To confirm the identity it is necessary to upload copies of documents and selfies. The exchange uses two-factor authorization to ensure the security of the account. The main focus of the exchange is derivatives. Bitget users have one common account in USDT for trading, as conceived by the developers, this reduces the risks and makes trading accessible. You can fund your account via bank card or cryptocurrency wallet.

There are 331 coins and 391 pairs on the exchange. In addition to spot trading, where you can buy tokens without fees, the exchange offers derivatives trading with up to 125x leverage. It comes in three types: USDT-M, USDC-M and COIN-M. Fees are 0.1% for spot trading and 0.02% for futures trading. A​rticle from community cryptodefix. The feature that differentiates Bidget from other exchanges is copy trading. It allows users to copy trades of experienced traders for which they receive small rewards.

Bitget specifics

  • The ability to copytrade
  • Top up with a bank card
  • Spot and futures trading
  • Low fees
  • 6 order types
  • Staking
  • P2P trading

Bitget features


Forms of trade: Futures trading, Margin trading, Spot trading 1
Check out Transaction protection Protection of transactions from scam and other types of incorrect actions 1
No Currency converter Currency converter integrated into the exchange 0
No Listing Ability to place your own cryptoservices on the exchange 0
Number of assets: 331 0
Cryptocurrency pairs: 391 0

Centralized exchanges (CEX)

Deposit methods: Bank card, Cryptowallet 0
Trade types: Spot, Margin, Derivatives 0
Minimal fee: 0.02 0
Check out Cryptocurrency exchange 0
Check out Staking 0
No Lending 0
No Liquidity pools 0
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